After sketching two different designs for my website, I analysed them in order to choose which one I would use when I began to create my website. However I realised that neither of them consisted of all of the typical conventions of a band website and so I felt they were not suitable for my ancillary task. For example on the band page I designed I included tilted images of the band down the right hand side, however after undertaking more research into existing band websites and looking at my previous findings I identified that this was not a typical convention and neither were some of the other features I had planned to include.
Therefore I went back to the findings from my research and I have created a new plan which I am going to use as the final plan for my website.
Here are my previous findings from my research:
The most common pages on a band website are:
- Biography/History of Band
- Gallery/Images
- Music/Video
- Tour/Gig Dates
- Recent News
- Blogs/Forum
Font style/size/colour:
- Different font sizes are used to distinguish headings, sub-headings and the main text.
- Most common font colour is white because most band websites of this genre have dark backgrounds
- Iconic fonts are used for the band name
Examples of multimedia features that i discovered on band websites are:
- Videos
- Flash Slideshows
- Music Players
- Interactive Menus
I have created four pages for my website which are home, biography of the band, gallery and latest news. Each of these pages come under the list of common pages found in a typical alternative rock band website. Another common page for a website is tour/gig dates, however instead of creating a page for this I have included a feature of dates on the home page which states the date, location and the ticket availability.
Home page plan:
'The Band' plan - Biography of band
Gallery Plan:
Page showing larger view of image:
These are my final designs for my website. For each of the pages I have considered the elements that I discovered are conventional in existing websites and have implemented these into my own work.
There is an interactive menu on every page of the website because this is a consistent feature on each of the web pages in order to create a mesh structure. The menu is interactive because it consists of rollover buttons which allows the user to interact with them by hovering over and clicking on them.
I have included a flash animation on the header of the web pages, in addition I have included flash slideshows on the home page and the gallery page. This provides a wider range of methods of displaying information and images which makes it more appealing to the audience.
I have also included two videos on the home page and band page which shows behind the scenes footage of the new music video that will be released soon.
I have used an iconic font for the name of the band to differentiate it from the rest of the text and to follow the conventions of a typical band website. I have also used larger fonts to distinguish between the headings, sub-headings and the main text.
This is an improvement from my previous plans and so I will use these as a guideline for when I start creating my website using Adobe Dreamweaver CS3.
'News' plan: