Welcome I am a fellow member of 'Team Go For Gold' :)

Monday, 14 March 2011

DEVELOPMENT - Principle photography is complete!

From constructing our music video, we realised that without an indication of the boy in our narrative at the beginning, our storyline wasn't as clear as we had previously planned. To resolve this problem we decided to undertake more principle photography so that we could introduce the boy into our narrative. Me and Kate H arranged to meet up after school with our boy model so that we could film this last part of our principle photography. Altogether we had to film two different shots.

The first shot we filmed was showing Facebook, where we show the boy's relationship status changing to 'being in a relationship' to 'single'. This demonstrates to the audience that he no longer has a girlfriend, subsequently showing that he is lonely. This allows the user to recognise he is in the same position as the girl, Alice and explains why he is also alone in London.

This is the screen that we have filmed which reveals the change of the boy's relationship status. We have previously used shots of Facebook in our video to tell our narrative and have therefore kept this feature consistent by using it to explain the boy's situation. This shot demonstrates his loneliness to the audience.

Here is Kate H filming the shot of the relationship change on Facebook
I checked the footage of Facebook to ensure it was suitable for its purpose. We both decided that we were happy with this shot and could therefore complete our principle photography.
This concept of the boy being lonely corresponds with the idea of the main girl being lonely as well. The loneliness of the girl is shown throughout the day as the friends she is supposed to be meeting at London result to dropping out at the last minute. This concept represents her loneliness in a big city because no one is going to meet her and she is therefore alone.

The other shot that we undertook to demonstrate our narrative was of our boy model walking out of the house which introduces him to the audience. This enable the audience to identify what he looks like and that he is a character within our narrative. This means ths audience are able to recognise him during the rest of the video and can identify that he has a purpose. We set up a tripod and filmed the boy walking out of the house, showing that he is going out for the day. This storyline of the boy is continued when the audience next sees him at the train station in the background when he and the girl are going through the ticket barriers. From this shot our narrative develops between the two characters.

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